A Cheater and a Breeder
#XChangePill #bizarre
Rachel, formerly Richard, popular at last
The Bitter Ex
Nick: Finally Satisfied
Charles, the Summer Cumdump
I caught my roommate stealing my purple pills... or should I say HE caught me!
Mason, Helping Those In Need
Ismael/Isabelle, a Plus Pill Pickup
X-Change - Alex - You'll learn to love it...
Steven, Keeping Secrets
Changing a friendship forever
Chelsea, formerly Clint, saving for retirement
My Wife Was Right
Celebrity Impersonator 002 - Emilia Clarke
A Ruined Vacation
The Reward
Mike/Michelle, Coming to conclusions
Kim, Loving Pain
Domestic Disputes
X-Change Pink - Performance Enhancing Drug
I picked up a gardener and we both took the purple pill.
Trying Old Positions In a New Way
Carol, Narcissist
Daniel, Out Of His League
Much better than an apple
Alice, loves her brother
Kayla, formerly Kyle, a busy breeder
Jason, A Grateful Little White Boy
I'm On A Boat
Busty Drummer
Barry, Bewitched by the Barmaid
Samantha, relaxing after work
Keep It A Secret
-Denali, formerly Dashawn, Nobody Is Safe Anymore
Alex, getting his protein
Veronica, formerly Matthew, An Offer She Couldn't Refuse
Evan/Eva, Spending Thanksgiving with Dad
Do you love dick?
Dale, Proud Father
Johanna, The Landlords Girlfriend
William, A Wonderful Weekend
Beth, first experience convincing enough!
Michael, The Job Interview (2/2)
Amy, Beauty Tratment
Diane, learning to close her mouth and open her legs
The Groupie
A Frat Parties Consequence
Lee, Constantly Craving Abuse
Practice makes perfect
Never Play Starcraft Against Koreans