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20 F. 117 lbs. 5ft 2in. Lounging on sofa.

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21F/56kg/5'3 Been going to the gym for the last couple of months and trying to lose just a couple kilos

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23 F 56kgs Former athlete - still working hard and making progress. Thanks for the support!

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You all were so kind last time i posted...currently feeling weird about having thick legs and hips with indents...could use some reassurance

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22F 5'4" 165 lbs. Lost 25 lbs since last March so I'm feelin pretty good. Hoping to get to 140 by this time next year. Slow and steady ✌

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F34/5’7”/189lbs first time posting and damn this isn’t easy! Trying to love my curves but feel like a busted can of biscuits.

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F/18/5’5”/115ish. Self conscious all over.

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Always trying to feel more comfy in my own skin and you guys are helping (29f / 5'3" / 153lb)

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F/18/4’11/107 lbs...Always been insecure about my height, body hair, hip dips, and stretch marks

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F/18/175CM/weight idk. Hi im really nervous about posting this because of my breasts and my chubbyness. the only thing i like is my waist. I want to learn how to like myself and feel sexy.

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F23/5’8”/122lb - I’ve gained 10lbs since my last post and it’s a bit hard to see weight gain as a positive thing but I know it’s a good thing.

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F/18/140 lbs/5'6'' First time showing my nudes to anyone. I lost 25 pounds recently and I feel much better about myself.

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F/19/5’3/125lbs Basic teenage insecurity usually makes me wear a lot of loose and heavy clothes.

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23f 113 pounds really hating my lack of curves at this point in my life

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20F/4'11''/98 lbs I've been dating for the first time in my life and feeling really confident with my body!

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24F/173cm/66kg Used to absolutely hate and be ashamed of my big butt but that's gotten less over the years. Still wish my body wasn't so disproportionate. Would like to lose some weight around the hips and stomach but not making any effort at the moment.

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22F/5'6"/113 Feeling pretty good about myself lately

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[F/25/5'1"] An update... 255 lbs to 205 lbs.l

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29F/5'1/120lbs feels like my body doesn't fit anywhere on sexy subs because of small boobs and ass but you guys helped a lot the first time I posted so I'll just add one normal body to the gallery!

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F (21, 5’3, 118 lbs) 1st time poster, just got dumped, feeling very low confidence wise and in general

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(F) I'm new here, so what do you think? 33y/1,72m/60kg

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29F // 5'3" // 154lb. Still kind of insecure about my boobs but im working on it. And I lost 6lbs through diet and strength training!

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9 months post-divorce, down 15 lbs, and starting to feel confident again (33F/5'8''/155 lbs)

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F21 - 5'4"" - 115 pounds. I'm ok with my body except my breasts. Thoughts?

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Spent most of my life sucking in my tummy and feeling self conscious about my saggy breasts. Now I’m trying to relax and just be comfortable the way I am, some days are easier than others.

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Me at 18 & 30 (F). The “late-bloom” never came but my husband taught me to love what I have.

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[F/22/5'5"/130 lbs] I got back to a healthy weight several years ago after an eating disorder but still held on to some unhealthy habits, like an obsessive workout regimen. Started to ease up a few months ago and I'm much happier with myself!

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F 20 105lbs self conscious of scars and small chest

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f/18/5'7/144lbs. recently spent a month in a coma and i lost almost all the muscle i'd spent years gaining. it's been really hard on my self esteem

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Third post... slowly getting to a point where I’m happy with my body. ❤️

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[F/19/5'8/138lbs] I have disproportionate odd looking breasts, my bikini area refuses to accept shaving, I look like a bloated toddler after eating, oh the list could go on...

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29f/5ft3/165lbs. I have good days and bad days with my attitude towards my body, I'm working on having more good days though. And today is a good day, I'm proud of how strong I look!

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F/23/5'10" - This is me, I guess. Uncomfortable 95% of the time.

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It was suggested that I post here! I've had a double mastectomy at 23 but I'm not letting it take away my sexy! Story in the comments. :)

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F/34/5.6"/155 Starting to love my body even if there is lots to improve

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[19f/5'8/141lbs] 7 months post-coma and my heart function is up! i'm finally going to be able to get back in shape !

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19 F Always felt a bit weird since I'm 6'0" but putting more effort to look better

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F/19/5’4/125 lbs A surge of confidence and internet anonymity has made me want to post this.

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37F, 2 kids. Pretty happy with my body, but there's always room for improvement.

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18F, 5'1, 150 lbs. Hated my body my whole life. Saggy boobs, flabby tummy, weird shaped booty. Trying to learn to love myself tho

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{22/f/5'2"/115 llbs} Momma to 2 girls and breastfed both. I love my body more than I ever had but I'm insecure about my big nipples and flat breasts.

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F/22 5’5/132 lbs I sometimes feel inadequate compared to my boyfriend (his link in comments). I feel like a pre-teen with my small boobs. I can’t even get cleavage when I dress up, I feel ridiculous and not womanly :(

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18/5’4/128 Taken early this morning before a job interview!

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36F, 5'1" 58kg Currently at my heaviest battling long-term depression/anxiety. In my culture I am considered fat. Sorry for the quality my phone isn't that great.

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22F/5'6 Hit my weight goal, now I want to start toning my tummy

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24F 5’8 178 pounds lost some weight and liking the improvement

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F/21/165lb- Learning to Love My Body!

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24/F, 5'1", 102lbs. Visiting a clothing-optional resort soon and feeling a bit insecure about my unevenly saggy breasts. (edited to hide tattoos/scars)

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