18F| 5'8"| 116lbs (52 kg) Very shy, low self esteem about body shape, hard to gain weight, easier is lose weight :[
Chronological all night stuffing w/ weights as I make my belly massive - list of foods in album!
[F/24/5'7"/160lbs] Have lost thirty pounds, am working on losing more. Not to my goal weight yet but feel a lot better about my body.
Feeling super self conscious after my medicine made me gain weight. Comments/PMs appreciated!
Recently gained weight in all the right places, finally comfortable in my own skin :) [OC]
27/F/5ft/129lb. My weight fluctuates so much in such short time I don’t even recognize myself some times.
33F/5"8/135lbs - Reached my goal weight but still feel fat. Not sure if it's all in my head or if i'm trying to achieve the impossible
(F) 28 mother of 2. Second post. I finally got most of the baby weight off. I need to work on my stomach but I still feel great about my body!
Honey I really think... maybe you should go to the gym more, you look like you're putting on weight [Pregnancy Progression] - xpost /r/knockmeup
Update! Before: 24F/5'4/162 After: 26F/5'4/120. A year since my first post and I've kept the weight off thanks to CICO and veganism!
38, f, 5'9, 155 lbs. I am 6 months postpartum and have been working really hard to lose the pregnancy weight. I am proud of my progress. It's so much harder to lose the weight and get your body back the older you are.
18F| 5'8"| 116lbs (52 kg) Very shy, low self esteem about body shape, hard to gain weight, easier is lose weight :[