Does taking a man from a bar and three of his friends home and letting them fill me with cock and cum all night make me lucky or a total slut? Asking for a friend
I'm not sure if I totally count as petite... But if you'll have me, I promise I can make up for it in other ways
More updates! I'm totally off of insulin. My a1c is still heading down and my daily glucose readings are great! Here's me relaxed and flexed
My sister was in total disbelief when i told her how much cum i can shoot when jerking off. she told me to “Prove it!”
First timer here.. its taking me a long time and im still not all the way there being totally comfortable Have always been shy about my lady bits.
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Getting Fucked After Work Today. I Totally Sent Pics Of Me In These Panties To A Fan, Then Came Home And Did This.