It was real nice logging in and reading all the nice comments again after a stressful couple days. I'm heading off to a meditation retreat for the weekend now. <3
Thank you for the 1k followers in a day! I know we’re not replying to comments but we are reading them! 1k followers photo coming soon!
[OC] I explained to my girlfriend what a tribute is. Her eyes got wide and she asked if we could try it. [F]eel free to cover her in cum, and know she'll be excitedly reading the comments.
Welcome to Tori's Maze of Cocksuckers! [XL] [Maze] [Pornstars] Please read the comments before you start for rules, etc.
[OC] I explained to my girlfriend what a tribute is. Her eyes got wide and she asked if we could try it. [F]eel free to cover her in cum, and know she'll be excitedly reading the comments.