no one asked for a [f]ace pic but i guess i just feel like ruining my future career prospects ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wife wanted me to post but she is worried no one will like. Hoping to encourage her to share more.
We had anal sex on a mountain top again! No snow this time, but I think you'll like the view! [anal][OC,MF,10:56]
Body gratitude day 24 - I used to be so embarrassed about all things asshole but hey now I'll do a buttspread like it's no big thing (not sure if you can tell how very hairy my ass is in this pic)
Can you please take better care of your ass? No one like to see a butt full of pimples. It's bad enough that it looks saggy but ass acne AND saggy girl please. Though your man already reblogged one of my pics so I guess your just a charity case hmm?
Body gratitude day 24 - I used to be so embarrassed about all things asshole but hey now I'll do a buttspread like it's no big thing (not sure if you can tell how very hairy my ass is in this pic)