I got my first lip injections! Still have a long way to go but I love when I feel like I made some progress!
Our favourite way to wind down after a long Monday back at work [fm] (If you like it, we'll post the video)
[M] 27, 5'7, 150 lbs, I've gained 40 lbs in the last 2years. Finally beginning to feel comfortable with my body. I still have a long way to go, especially lower body. My goal is to weigh 175-180 by 2020! Also pm me for snapchat name!
25/F/5’3/180lbs I quit drinking and went NC with my abuser, down ten pounds from working out/being healthy and feeling great about myself even if I got a long way to go!
Been way too long! Savanah chained to her stripper pole and forced to dance and then forced to cum. Photos and audio in comments! [OC]
First timer here.. its taking me a long time and im still not all the way there being totally comfortable Have always been shy about my lady bits.
Took me way too long to do this, but you guys are worth it! The rest of naked, gay reddit didn't show me much love...
It's been way too long since a nice set of tits have been posted here. This is unacceptable!
I’ve come a long way physically, but who knew the mental challenge would be my greatest battle
It Was A Long Hard Day At Work. Now I'm A Little Drunk And Want To Decompress. I Need Someone To Take My Frustrations Out On, In The Best Of Ways! ;) For The Meantime, Here Is A GIF To Go With My Earlier Pictures.