I let my wife fuck /u/TheTravellingBull - our first hotwife experience, story from her in the comments (reupload, automod issues)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm thankful for being able to express my sexual desires and experiment in lot's of dif[f]erent communities like Gonewild! ;) [Banner]
Last night in Bali. I was being a unicorn whilst D was back home. Podcast coming soon to share my experience. xx
One of the very best cruising experiences of my life was in Boyberry (Madrid). Here is the Tumblr picture from their Barcelona branch hinting at why Boyberry is such a great place... (source: Tumblr xjabita)
One of the very best cruising experiences of my life was in Boyberry (Madrid). Here is the Tumblr picture from their Barcelona branch hinting at why Boyberry is such a great place... (source: Tumblr xjabita)
Last night in Bali. I was being a unicorn whilst D was back home. Podcast coming soon to share my experience. xx