(F)23 First post in awhile. Not a ton of love last time but with enough love more will come. Tell her what you'd do to her, she loves to read what you guys will do. She also responds if she really likes it.
F18/5'4.5"/115(ish). Trying to make peace with the fact that it's impossible for me to live up to the "ideal" of female attractiveness, in an attempt to love myself more.
F18/5'4.5"/115(ish). Trying to make peace with the fact that it's impossible for me to live up to the "ideal" of female attractiveness, in an attempt to love myself more.
Look At That Body, But It Was Her Personality That I Feel In Love With After Seeing A Few Interviews. She Has A Submissive Demeanor, Seems To Love BDSM, And Seems Like She Wouldnt Mind Being In Harem. I M Project On The Last One.
I Need To Step Up My Gif Game. ;) Please Send Any Cute/sexy Requests In My Comments! Let's Have Some Fun With It! What Would You Love To See?!
School Girl Sunday! I Love Grinding In This Delicate Mesh Pink Thong. Let's Customize It With My Delicious Holes For You.. Starting At ฮ