I found this picture on the internet and reposted it here for fake internet points (and also to send some love back to this sub for supplying some dank shit)
I found this on tumblr a while back, and finally decided to share it with all you lovely folks. I present: Professor Willow by Reapersun
My first paracord flogger - posted it on r/BDSM before I found this sub! Not perfect, but my Master loves it...and so do I
My first paracord flogger - posted it on r/BDSM before I found this sub! Not perfect, but my Master loves it...and so do I
last post before bed- It’s been fun, but I need some sleep found on 4chan, wanted to share because HOOOT DAMN
(Original content) My friend posted this on Snapchat when she got drunk. Luckily I found a way to save it before she deleted it.
A first on PMG, a pussy actually being tattooed! The first post I have found that shows this! This is additionally interesting because it is Asian, Chinese in fact. Some time ago a Japanese explained to me that pussy mods are very rare there because they