I found this on tumblr a while back, and finally decided to share it with all you lovely folks. I present: Professor Willow by Reapersun
You know a first date’s going well when your girlfriend’s invited her parallel-universe pony princess counterpart to get in on the action; feat. Moondancer & 2x Twilight (shaxbert)
Saw this on a insta meme, would a kind soul saucify the bottom right? Extra cheers if you did all 4
Up on your toes. Lean forward, fingertips against the wall. And boy? Remember I love you. I wouldn't do this if you weren't worth correcting. Now, count upwards.
Looking for the sauce on the top right shelf, but if you could donate the other sauce too, the home can eat happily for the winter.
You'll take it and you'll like it, Pinkie Pie [Alicorn Twilight][F/F][strap on] (artist: obsidianlit)
Spam problem should be fixed! From now on you'll need an account age of at least 3 days to post. Tits to celebrate! (more + source in comments)