Not super nsfw, but here's my first post. I guess we'll see if you guys like this and if it's something I'll start posting more frequently
Wife wanted me to post but she is worried no one will like. Hoping to encourage her to share more.
I don’t know what other stay-at-home-moms usually do during naptime (probably something more productive), but I like to tease Redditors
Just got fucked for an hour and a half, but wanted more. I went to the brewpub just like this.
(F)23 First post in awhile. Not a ton of love last time but with enough love more will come. Tell her what you'd do to her, she loves to read what you guys will do. She also responds if she really likes it.
I’m not saying that i don’t like them but…….this is way more interesting than big tits and blonde hair………
I Say Might Because When It Comes Down To It, I Might Not. If The Situation Isnt Right Or Wrong Context Then I Wont Go. Like I Would Never Go To Meet Her At A Gangbang, Even I Have My Limits. But More Than Likely I Would Go To Meet Her.
Was Self-conscious About My Cock A Lot Of Life, But Like It More Now. Wonder If Girls Agree?