[f] [23] Always been insecure about the size... They almost disappear in normal clothing... Been together with my first SO for 4 years so only had one opinion...
23F/5'6"/132lbs - Almost a 1.5 years since I started lifting and combatting my ED. Still not healed 100%, but feeling good today! It's funny how we can get exactly what we've wanted for so long and still not be TRULY happy.
f/18/5'7/144lbs. recently spent a month in a coma and i lost almost all the muscle i'd spent years gaining. it's been really hard on my self esteem
It's almost been a year since my first post here with this toy; it's just now it's switched holes.
It's been almost a year since I've posted here. I've missed the up-votes, the naughty PM's and the tributes ;)...please give me some encouragement if you would like to see more!
f/18/5'7/144lbs. recently spent a month in a coma and i lost almost all the muscle i'd spent years gaining. it's been really hard on my self esteem
It's almost been a year since my first post here with this toy; it's just now it's switched holes.
My Grandfather passed away almost 2 years ago. These smutty postcards are what the horny blighter left to me. [x-post /r/pics]