It was real nice logging in and reading all the nice comments again after a stressful couple days. I'm heading off to a meditation retreat for the weekend now. <3
(F) (18) By far my favorite picture of my boobs. If you had a lame St. Patrick’s Day weekend, I hope this half Irish girl can help make up for it. ☘️
Thank you to all (f)or helping me reach 3000 followers in 20 days! I’m completely speechless, here’s a new pic from this weekend’s photoshoot ❤️
The first day back at work after a long weekend is always the’s a little titty Tuesday fun to help get you through ;)
so I shot a new straight male talent this weekend. I promised him he'd still look manly in panties... he was glowing with happiness by the end of the day. Love my job :)
The first day back at work after a long weekend is always the’s a little titty Tuesday fun to help get you through ;)