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I found this while scrolling through my Tumblr and I just thought it's so cute

#reddit #littlespace

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My wife just showed up in my Twitter feed. I posted this years ago on Tumblr. Someone captioned it. Love when that happens.

#reddit #Cuckold

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Found this on Tumblr!!!

#reddit #littlespace

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I found this on tumblr a while back, and finally decided to share it with all you lovely folks. I present: Professor Willow by Reapersun

#reddit #yaoi #drawing

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Who is this Filipino chick? Someone said she deleted her tumblr

#reddit #tipofmypenis

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Can it get more romantic than this? Source: Tumblr ncccbear

#reddit #GayWatersports #gay

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Stumbled across this. Does anyone know her tumblr?

#reddit #GirlsInDiapers #wear

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I need to knkw who this is!! Seen on tumblr and trying to find her since

#reddit #Facials #Cumshot

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Coming into a fandom late

#i enjoy this #yes #got a good laugh #perf

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IT’S REAL Y’ALL! they revealed at sdcc that shiro is in fact into

#but this is huge #voltron spoilers #im not holding my breath #whether we see any queer lovin o

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icoulduseinsouciantmaybe: #i literally crack up everytime #at least ten of the notes are from me

#fhumor #i love this so much #the needs of the many outweigh t #c anakin skywalker

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Found this on Tumblr before they took down pornography. Glad I saved it :3. I was just scrolling so I don't entirely remember the name of who made it, I think its Yinnier.

#FurryPornSubreddit #drawing

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