Someone asked for flaccid progress pics to see if my dick is truly larger after weight loss. It is, but perception is reality. It's not truly bigger; you just see more of it due to fat loss. It also reaches deeper, so I'd say it's bigger.
Posting more of me than ever <3 [face and body shot] (reposting with imgur cause my last post broke for me) xx
My hung soft cock(8.5inches/22cm)...Upvote if you want to see more of it? Feel free to post requests...
Girl/tgirl in pink donald duck pajamas. Please help me find who she is, or if there is more of her.
People wanted to see more of my GF, here she is taking her favourite Big Cock, do people want the full video?
The curves on Freydis from Vikings (Swedish actor Alicia Agneson) are godlike! Hope they will show more of her <3