Something different from me.. I got dared to do this. My [f]irst butt sharpie. King size. Stay tuned to see how many regular ones can fit...
9! He dared me to do 6.. of course i had to try one more. Then one more... only my second try!
(Self) I don’t know how you ladies do it, I struggled with the second... (f)irst one is in!!
It's been a bit over a year and nobody has broken my record. I've got to say I'm a bit disappointed, I'd love to see it broken, so I am reposting as a challenge to the ladies out there. (23 Sharpies)
[Self] So I think my apple butt needs some shaping up. I'm going to add a sharpie for every five pounds I lose. Starting with three...let's see how many I can fit by the end of the year. :)