[F, 20] I'm back! And I've been working hard to get in better shape. I'd say it's paid off.
29F // 5'3" // 154lb. Still kind of insecure about my boobs but im working on it. And I lost 6lbs through diet and strength training!
Snap I sent my boyfriend while he was at work! Sorry for rhe Android quality. I know it's atrocious.
I was 22 when I was diagnosed with MS and I started working out. I stopped for a long time and got back to it 2 years ago. I am 32 now! Healthier than ever! 125 lbs vs 145 lbs before and after!
[F] 34 If it wasn't for bodybuilding and hard work, I wouldn't have the butt I have today :)
Glad to be back at work.... but it was such such a HARD day I had to let loose on the way home... Soccer mom followed beside me for 5 miles!¡!¡
38, f, 5'9, 155 lbs. I am 6 months postpartum and have been working really hard to lose the pregnancy weight. I am proud of my progress. It's so much harder to lose the weight and get your body back the older you are.