As you can probably tell.... I am a little hammered.... and feel like sharing... I hope you enjoy my slutty album. (F)eedback is appreciated
Chronological all night stuffing w/ weights as I make my belly massive - list of foods in album!
We're back with a big album of her huge leaky tits and much more to make up for lost time!
We've all seen the hot bride with the "cheeky" is the most complete album I've found, including some nice boudoir shots! (AIC)
Pic was buried in our [F23]irst album, but it’s our favorite so far, so we thought it should get its own post.
[selling] Fat album of my PHAT ass in these neon cheeky panties from VS. Worn for 2 days so far. Customize them OR pick another color in this style. Super freaking soft to rub and wrap around your cock.