Spoiled, slutty brat who has seen a wide variety of cocks in all shapes and sizes wants to humilate and shame, or whine and beg, or even give you a brutally honest [rate] ;p let me laugh at or touch myself while pleading for your cock
I froze some PST in a large yogurt container, and it came out shaped like this. What the hell?
18F, 5'1, 150 lbs. Hated my body my whole life. Saggy boobs, flabby tummy, weird shaped booty. Trying to learn to love myself tho
[F, 20] I'm back! And I've been working hard to get in better shape. I'd say it's paid off.
[19f/5'8/141lbs] 7 months post-coma and my heart function is up! i'm finally going to be able to get back in shape !