33 years old and still nervous to take my shirt off with people around. Definitely trying to fix that
It's 1am, and after all the countless messages I've received, I, /u/throw_awayz8x6 have been made aware that my dick is, in fact, big. It's a hard, hard life, but it's a burden I'm willing to bear. 1 upvote = 1 supportive cock stroke
Lick each nipple and use both hands to firmly pinch each one while deep-throating this fat dick...thats what im thinking.
Hi, first time on here, I've been tld that I have a nice body. I wondered if anybody had any spare time and they could come round and play with my bottom because it needs a playmate, a regular one. Play safe, enjoy guys! ;)
the thing about a a cock thats practically the width of an arizona can is that it has deceptive length
Lick each nipple and use both hands to firmly pinch each one while deep-throating this fat dick...thats what im thinking.
the thing about a a cock thats practically the width of an arizona can is that it has deceptive length
The UK government is currently proposing a bill that will censor a great deal of 'non-conventional sex acts' that includes URINATION, spanking, sex in public etc. I'd urge you to help out, whether you're in the UK or not.