Someone pointed me here when I mentioned my self consciousness about my areolas. Looking at the beautiful ladies here helps boost my confidence a lot. Thanks!
[OC] Point the biggest skeptic out and I’ll make them a believer. My fiancé and her frosted asshole
I found this picture on the internet and reposted it here for fake internet points (and also to send some love back to this sub for supplying some dank shit)
I was told this might fit here...But maybe NOT fitting is the point? (xpost r/ShemaleGalleries )
F26 5'8 150 went through a low point of not feeling good about myself. It's good to be back to normal!
Yo, just in case Shad keeps having problems or for real gets shut down at some point, does anyone have the archives saved?
Flipped the bitch over and fucked her hard. Love the fact that she knows there is no point resisting. Might as well just submit and enjoy being fucked.
#all queue can eat #video #this is my only reference point on breaking bad and i intend to keep it that way real daisy hours