There were some really rude comments on my last post about my body :/ I thought this was a place for real moms? I’m hoping that was just a fluke and I’ll give it another try?
22F I’m mostly fine with my body but have never really liked my larger nipples. Never really head the guts to ask a SO their opinion so I’m glad this sub exists!
[F/24/5'7"/160lbs] Have lost thirty pounds, am working on losing more. Not to my goal weight yet but feel a lot better about my body.
F/19/5'7/142 Been under a lot of stress recently, doing my best to manage & stay healthy but my body image has taken a hit as a result. But, this body is normal AND this body deadlifted 200 lbs and squatted its bodyweight!
F21/5'4"/132lbs i think my boobs are small just wanna know your honest ideas about my body
(F) 28 mother of 2. Second post. I finally got most of the baby weight off. I need to work on my stomach but I still feel great about my body!
28F, 5'9" 155lbs. Recently left someone who had passively (sometimes overtly) shamed my body for years. Learning to love myself and all that my body can and has accomplished
{22/f/5'2"/115 llbs} Momma to 2 girls and breastfed both. I love my body more than I ever had but I'm insecure about my big nipples and flat breasts.
18F, 5'1, 150 lbs. Hated my body my whole life. Saggy boobs, flabby tummy, weird shaped booty. Trying to learn to love myself tho
not to be a cocky bitch, but i really like my thighs!!! the way they look really helps me with my body dysphoria, which is funny because they’re so feminine. regardless, i love them so much! -nico
29F/5'1/120lbs feels like my body doesn't fit anywhere on sexy subs because of small boobs and ass but you guys helped a lot the first time I posted so I'll just add one normal body to the gallery!
[M] 27, 5'7, 150 lbs, I've gained 40 lbs in the last 2years. Finally beginning to feel comfortable with my body. I still have a long way to go, especially lower body. My goal is to weigh 175-180 by 2020! Also pm me for snapchat name!
27female 110lbs 5'0 ft. I love my abs but I dislike everything else. My husband tells me he loves my body but I have no idea what he is talking about.
[22, F, 5’1, 115lbs] I don’t feel feminine or sexy. I feel like I have a frumpy looking body. I’m afraid to start dating again because I don’t want to get a poor reaction when things get physically intimate and my body is revealed.
[22, F, 5’1, 115lbs] I don’t feel feminine or sexy. I feel like I have a frumpy looking body. I’m afraid to start dating again because I don’t want to get a poor reaction when things get physically intimate and my body is revealed.
F/19/5'7/142 Been under a lot of stress recently, doing my best to manage & stay healthy but my body image has taken a hit as a result. But, this body is normal AND this body deadlifted 200 lbs and squatted its bodyweight!