It’s ya boi, nico! I felt nice today and took a few photos! Might upload them to imgur if I can figure out how, so I can post multiple at once! Then I’ll have a cute lil album posted instead of a million machine-gun-fire posts of myself... heh!
Re-uploading Thor's new works to imgur albums. I will edit links to the albums of each character as they finish uploading.
Posting more of me than ever <3 [face and body shot] (reposting with imgur cause my last post broke for me) xx
Bride has her bridesmaids join her for a boudoir shoot outdoors. Thanks to imgur for completely f--king up the order of pictures...
There's a new sheriff in town. Hello, I'm your new mod. For now only imgur links will be allowed. I may ease off soon, but this sub needs it's spam and bad links cleaned up. Let me know if you like the change. Thanks!
Didn't get much interest last night. Maybe you'll like this pic better. Imgur/gfycat/erome preferred.