"Sketch in Grey & Pink" cartoon from "La Vie Parisienne" illustrated by René Préjelan (c. 1920)
The Disappearing Act from "Dernières Faveurs Sous le Théâtre de l'Opéra" illustrates by Erich von Götha de la Rosière aka Robin Ray (c. 1980)
Our traffic and subscriber count has jumped 500% on /r/girlsontheirbacks since getting a link from /r/TheHangingBoobs. I think this image is an appropriate illustration of what has happened.
The New Generation - The Vargas Girl from "Playboy" Magazine illustrated by Alberto Vargas (April, 1967)
"Dionysus & Ariadne" from "Aretino, or Loves of the Gods" illustrated by Agostino Carracci (c. 1602)
"Herakles & Deïanira" from "Aretino, or Loves of the Gods" illustrated by Agostino Carracci (c. 1602)