I recently put up a massive 1600+ picture and 160+ HQ Reverse-looped custom GIF gallery for Rosie Jones! Check it out and let me know what you think!
Me getting a huge facial... And right after he sent a picture to my boyfriend of my cum drenched face :)
This is as about as close to seeing Rosie's pussy lips as we will ever be. You can make it out in this picture however.
I see that you guys are liking this kind of pictures.. should I continue? :) available on snapchat @leaanderson98
At this point, I almost always take a picture specifically for GWS because you guys are awesome
I asked this a while ago and didn't have much luck - are there any more pictures like this, where the hands are cuffed around the thighs to frame the ass?
Was trying to send an innocent picture and realized I was busting at the seams. Had to take a more appropriate [f]or you all
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry so I took my clothes off and took pictures instead.
I normally only post boob pictures on here but....what do you think of my new panties? (Pic)